Core Functionality



In Settings Mode

Available Integrations

  1. ADP
    1. Add Integration
      1. ADP Integration Key
        1. Close
        2. Continue
    2. Configure
  2. Google SSO
    1. Add Integration
      1. Integration Key
    2. Configure
      1. Remove
      2. Settings
        1. Autoprovision Users
        2. Google Login Only
        3. Autosync
        4. Sync All
        5. Sync Department Information
        6. Sync Manager Information
        7. Sync Personal Information
        8. Domain whitelist
        9. Admin email
        10. Client credentials for connecting to your Google Workspace
          1. json
        11. Buttons
          1. Save Settings
          2. Import From Workspace
      3. Google Users
        1. Counts
          1. All
          2. Synced Google Workers
          3. Unsynced Google Workers
        2. Filters
          1. Reset
          2. Given Name
          3. Family Name
          4. Email
          5. Department
          6. Location
        3. List
          1. Selection
          2. Google User ID
          3. Is Synced
          4. First Name
          5. Family Name
          6. Gender
          7. Role
          8. Department
          9. Manager Email
          10. Avatar
          11. Street Address
          12. City
          13. Post Code
          14. Location
          15. Country
          16. Telephone
          17. Work Mobile
          18. Home Mobile
          19. Email
          20. Home Email
          21. External ID
  3. Microsoft Power Automate
    1. View Integration
      2. When a new absence is added
      3. When a new article is published
      4. When a new objective is added
      5. When a new person is added
      6. When a new review is added
      7. When a new task is added
      8. When an objective is updated
  4. Microsoft Teams
    1. Add Integration
    2. Configure
      1. Remove
  5. Office 365 SSO
    1. Add Integration
      1. Add integration key
    2. Configure
      1. Remove
      2. Settings
        1. Auto Sync
        2. Auto Activate Users
        3. Skip Activation Verification
        4. Sync Birthday to Date Of Birth
        5. Office 365 Login Only
        6. Button(s)
          1. Save
      3. Active Directory Users
        1. Counts
          1. Total AD Users
          2. Total Synced Users
          3. Total Unsynced Users
        2. Filters
          1. Reset
          2. First Name
          3. Last Name
          4. Email
          5. Is Synced
          6. Department
          7. Job Title
        3. List
          1. First Name
          2. Last Name
          3. Email
          4. Job Title
          5. Department
          6. Is Synced
          7. Button(s)
            1. Import
  6. OneLogin
    1. Add Integration
    2. Configure
      1. Remove
  7. Power BI Connector
    1. Remove {count_of_keys} API Keys
    2. Download Power BI Connector
  8. Signable
    1. Add Integration
    2. Configure
      1. Remove
      2. E-Sign Files
        1. Filter by folder name
        2. Actions
          1. Add file
          2. Add folder
          3. Refresh folder
          4. Update folder
        3. List
          1. Name
          2. Modified On
          3. Modified By
          4. Actions
            1. Security Groups
              1. Everyone
              2. Selected security groups
                1. Filter security groups
                2. Toggle ON/OFF
                3. Buttons
                  1. Close
                  2. Save
            2. Rename
              1. Folder name
              2. Folder description
              3. Owner
              4. Email address
              5. Button(s)
                1. Cancel
                2. Save
                3. Close

Available Connectors


  1. Search connectors
  2. Connector name
  3. Connector status
  4. Connector settings/configuration (only available if connection has been added)


  1. Reconnect
  2. Disconnect
  3. Auto Sync
  4. Sync All
  5. Import Data
  6. People Staging Table:
    1. Sync All
    2. Find:
      1. Name
      2. Role
      3. Department
      4. Email
      5. Start Date
    3. Table
      1. Select Row
      2. Is Synced
      3. Should Sync
      4. First Name
      5. Surname
      6. Department
      7. Role
      8. Date Of Birth
      9. Gender
      10. Start Date
      11. Email Address
      12. Work Email Address
      13. Mobile
      14. External System Identifier
      15. Pagination
        1. Rows per page
    4. Save 'Should Sync' Settings
    5. Sync To StaffCircle

API OIDC Clients


  1. Client Name
  2. Hashed Secret
  3. Actions
    1. Delete


  1. Client Name
    1. Buttons
      1. Close
      2. Save
        1. Client Name
        2. Secret
        3. Hashed Secret
        4. Button(s)
          1. Confirm

API Keys


  1. Key Name
  2. Hashed Key
  3. Actions
    1. Update
    2. Remove


  1. Key Name
  2. Claims
    1. Communications
    2. Tasks
    3. Performance
    4. Directory
    5. Absence
    6. Security
    7. Insights
      1. Insights Sensitive Data
  3. Button(s)
    1. Close
    2. Save


See "Add"



  1. Webhook Name
  2. Callback URL
  3. Actions
    1. Update
    2. Delete

Webook Calls

Graph, representive the Success and Failure calls made


  1. Webhook Information
    1. Name
    2. Callback URL
    3. Authentication Method
    4. Enabled
  2. Subscriptions
    1. StaffCircle Module
      1. Add
  3. Button(s)
    1. Close
    2. Save


See "Add"