Performance Management



Reviews can be created from review templates that contain feedback questions and configured to collect and share feedback across five user groups on the platform; a reviewee (employee), a reviewer (manager), internal users, external users and direct reports. They pull together these feedback responses along with objectives, awards, real-time feedback and skills and skill level changes to present a regular assessment of the reviewee's performance. Question scoring from across the feedback is used to present success circles that show the user's performance at a glance, per competency. A conversation function is also available through-out the full review process, along with review template details and notification settings.

In Manage Mode

Reviews Overview

  1. Review Count
  2. Filter Buttons / Counts
  3. Action :  Add a Review
  4. Table of Reviews
    1. Filters
    2. Show/Hide Sensitive Reviews
    3. Show only Feedback where I am the reviewer
    4. Show/Hide Complete Review
    5. Reset Filters

View list of all reviews

  1. Status
    1. In-complete
    2. Completed
    3. Overdue
  2. Title of review
  3. Sensitive
    1. Sensitive
    2. Not Sensitive
  4. Reviewee
    1. Avatar
    2. Full Name
  5. Reviewer
    1. Avatar
    2. Full Name
  6. Feedback Status
    1. Participant Type
      1. Reviewer
      2. Reviewee 
      3. Internal
      4. Direct Reports
      5. External
    2. Visual indicator
      1. Green - complete
      2. Red - not completed
    3. Hover over
      1. Participant Type
      2. Avatar
      3. Full Name
      4. Feedback Status
  7. Score
    1. Percentage bar
      1. Calculation based on review feedback scoring
    2. Hover over to display percentage
  8. Due Date
    1. Day Month Year
    2. Time
      1. If overdue warning indicator shows
  9. Actions: update, delete

Create (Add) a Review

  1. Filter review types
  2. View 6 most used review types
    1. Audience Summary
    2. Review Items
    3. Review Type Name
  3. View All available Review Templates
  4. Information
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Review Visibility
      1. In Progress viewers
      2. On Complete viewers
  5. Participant Type Selection
    1. Person
      1. Reviewees
      2. Reviewer
      3. Direct Reports
      4. Internal Reviewer
      5. External Reviewer
  6. Department
    1. Departments
      1. List, multi-select
      2. Tree, multi-select and select all
  7. Date & Time
  8. Document selection
  9. Summary, inc Actions
    1. Close
    2. Reset
    3. Back
    4. Edit
    5. Save
  10. Review Created
    1. Add another review
    2. View the new Review
      1. Only visible when user has permission to view the review
    3. Close

View a Review

  1. Title
  2. Details
    1. Status
    2. Filter by date range
      1. Last 7 days
      2. Last 30 days
      3. Last 60 days
      4. Last 3 months
      5. Last 4 months
      6. Last 6 months
      7. Last year
    3. Manage, see Manage a Review (Action it) 
    4. Menu
      1. Complete
      2. Download Current Review PDF
      3. Add to calendar
      4. Update
      5. Remove
    5. Title
    6. Description
    7. Due Date
    8. Review Template, link to review template
    9. Review Feedback
      1. Feedback from the reviewer
        1. Feedback question set
      2. Feedback from the reviewee
        1. Feedback question set
      3. Feedback from external people
        1. Feedback completion counter
        2. Feedback question set
      4. Feedback from internal people
        1. Feedback completion counter
        2. Feedback question set
      5. Feedback from direct reports
        1. Feedback question set
      6. Skills Assessment
        1. Skills Assessment Comment
        2. Timeline
          1. Select Date Range
          2. Today
          3. Yesterday
          4. Last 7 days
          5. Last 30 days
          6. Last 90 days
          7. All
          8. Skills
          9. Skill Levels
          10. Change comments
      7. Open Objectives
        1. Open
          1. Objective Title
          2. Show Key Results
            1. Key Results Modal
              1. Key Result
              2. Status
              3. Close
            1. Comments Modal
      8. Realtime Feedback
        1. Filter by date range
          1. Last 7 days
          2. Last 30 days
          3. Last 60 days
          4. Last 3 months
          5. Last 4 months
          6. Last 6 months
          7. Last year
        2. Given
          1. Avatar
          2. Feedback
          3. Category
          4. Date
        3. Received
          1. Avatar
          2. Feedback
          3. Category
          4. Date
        4. Awards & Recognition
          1. Filter by date range
            1. Last 7 days
            2. Last 30 days
            3. Last 60 days
            4. Last 3 months
            5. Last 4 months
            6. Last 6 months
            7. Last year
          2. Award Icons
      9. Documents
        1. Document name
        2. Upload date
        3. Menu
          1. Download
      10. Supporting Information
        1. Review Template Settings
          1. Repeat Review
          2. Repeat every
          3. When should the next review start from?
          4. Self service
          5. Disable Manager Score Override
          6. Disable Review Score
          7. Disable Objective Score
          8. Review Objectives
          9. Include Conversation
          10. Review Feedback
          11. Skills Assessment
          12. View Internal Feedback
          13. View Reviewer Feedback
          14. Review Feedback Audience
            1. Reviewee
            2. Reviewer
            3. Direct Reports
            4. Internal External
        2. Review Visibility & Access
          1. In Progress Viewers
            1. Avatar
            2. Group name, or, Full Name and Job Title
        3. Notification Settings (See common functionality here)
          1. In App
          2. Email
          3. Push
          4. SMS
          5. Teams
  3. Summary
    1. Reviewee
      1. Avatar
      2. Full Name
      3. Job Title
    2. Reviewer
      1. Avatar
      2. Full Name
      3. Job Title
    3. Score
      1. Percentage
    4. Due Date
      1. Day of the week, Day, Month, Year
    5. Due Status
      1. Remaining (until due date)
      2. Due
      3. Overdue (number of days past due date)
  4. Success Circles, shows competency scores
    1. Reviewee
    2. Reviewer
    3. Internal
  5. Waiting Feedback From
    1. Menu
      1. Add additional people
      2. Resend notifications
    2. Avatar, or initials


Manage a Review (Action it)

  1. Supporting Information
    1. Close
    2. Summary
      1. Reviewee
        1. Avatar
        2. Full Name
        3. Job Title
      2. Reviewer
        1. Avatar
        2. Full Name
        3. Job Title
      3. Score (as a percentage)
      4. Due Date
        1. Day, Date, Month, Year
      5. Due Status
        1. Remaining
        2. Due
        3. Overdue
      6. Interval
        1. Every X number of Days, Weeks, Months, Years
      7. Success Circles, inc competencies
        1. Reviewee
        2. Reviewer
        3. Internal
        4. Direct Reports
      8. Skills Assessment
        1. Skill Avatar
        2. Skill Name
        3. Current Skill Level
        4. Role Level
    3. Content
      1. Documents
        1. Document Title
        2. Document Created Date
        3. Menu
          1. Download
        4. Add
          1. Opens company documents browser
    4. Notes
      1. Add a note field
    5. Actions
      1. Add Objective
      2. Add Review
      3. Add Task
    6. Feedback
      1. Reviewee
        1. Question set
        2. Answers
      2. Internal Reviews (one section to show all internal reviewer responses)
        1. Question Set
        2. Answers
      3. Direct Reports (one section to show all direct report responses)
        1. Question Set
        2. Answers
      4. External Reviewers (one section to show all external reviewer responses)
        1. Question Set
        2. Answers
  2. Providing Feedback
    1. Title
    2. Sensitive Flag (if selected during template configuration)
    3. Action, Hide Support Information
    4. Download Previous Review PDF (visible only if review is set to reoccur)
    5. Download Current Review PDF
    6. Title
    7. Description
    8. Alert message
    9. Feedback Sections
      1. Custom Feedback Sections
      2. Objectives (if selected during template configuration)
        1. Counts, All, Open, Completed
        2. Add objective
          1. See here
        3. Title
          1. Actions, Complete, Extend, Defer
          2. Number of days Remaining
          3. Date range
          4. Assignee Avatar
          5. Full Name
          6. Job Title
          7. Summary
          8. Key Results (if added during objective creation)
          9. Progress Updates
          10. Conversation
      3. Score (if selected during template configuration)
        1. Override toggle
        2. 0-100% slider
        3. Helper tool
      4. Skills Assessment (if selected during template configuration)
        1. Add Skill
          1. Available Skills
          2. Actions, Close, Save
        2. Skill Avatar
        3. Skill Name
        4. Skill Description
        5. Skill Levels
        6. Selected Skill Level
        7. Role Level benchmark
        8. Selected Skill Level Discription
        9. Skills Assessment Comment(s)
    10. Actions
      1. Close
      2. Back
      3. Next
      4. Share Feedback
        1. Submit Review Feedback modal
        2. Actions, No Don't Submit, Yes Submit Feedback

Complete a Review 

Completing a review changes the status and prevents further feedback from being provided

Re-open Review

Completed reviews can be re-opened (1.19.0)

Review Statistics

  1. Filters
    1. Filter by Department
    2. Filter by date range
      1. Last 30 days
      2. Last 60 days
      3. Last 3 months
      4. Last 6 months
      5. Last Year
    3. All Reviews
    4. Employee Feedback
    5. Manager Feedback Completed Review
  2. Charts
    1. Average Review Score
    2. Number of Overdue Reviews
    3. Number of Completed Reviews
    4. Number of Reviews
    5. Top 10 Managers by Reviews
    6. Top 10 Managers by Overdue Reviews
    7. Departments by Review Score
    8. Top 5 People by Review Score
    9. Bottom 5 People by Review Score


Review Reports


  1. Review Summary
  2. Review Appraisal Summary
  3. Review Appraisal Overview
  4. People without reviews
  5. Reviewer Performance
  6. Reviewer Direct Report Average Scores


In Myself Mode


  1. Help guide
  2. Add Review
    1. Template
    2. Title
    3. Description
    4. Due Date
    5. Time of Review
    6. Actions, Close, Save

Open Reviews

  1. Filters
    1. Filter by title
    2. Filter by date
      1. Due in 30 days
      2. Due in 60 days
      3. Due in 90 days
      4. Overdue
    3. Ascending/Descending by Date
    4. Ascending/Descending by Progress
  2. Review
    1. Title
    2. Reviewer Avatar
    3. Review Name
    4. Description
    5. Feedback status
    6. Review score
    7. Due Date
    8. Available attachments
  3. Success Circle
    1. Circle showing the total weighted review scores per competency. See details of calculations in the Common Features Section

 Completed Reviews

  1. Filters
    1. Filter by title
    2. Filter by date
      1. Completed within 30 days
      2. Completed within 60 days
      3. Completed within 90 days
    3. Ascending/Descending by Date
    4. Ascending/Descending by Progress
  2. Review
    1. Title
    2. Reviewer Avatar
    3. Review Name
    4. Description
    5. Feedback status
    6. Review score
    7. Due Date
    8. Available attachments

Shared With Me

  1. Filters
    1. Filter by title
    2. Filter by date
      1. Due in 30 days
      2. Due in 60 days
      3. Due in 90 days
      4. Overdue
    3. Ascending/Descending by Date
    4. Ascending/Descending by Progress
  2. Review
    1. Title
    2. Reviewee Avatar
    3. Reviewee Name
    4. Reviewer Avatar
    5. Review Name
    6. Description
    7. Feedback status
    8. Review score
    9. Due Date
    10. Available attachments

Requested Feedback

List of Users where feedback has been requested from the logged in user.

  1. Reviewee Avatar
  2. Reviewee Full Name
  3. Review Title
  4. Review Due Date
  5. Participant type (Direct Report or Internal)

Open Review View

As per Manage a Review (Action it)


In Settings mode

Review Templates Overview

  1. Count of Reviews
  2. Add (see Add Review Template)
  3. Filters
    1. Sensitive Reviews
    2. Reset Filters
    3. Title filter (text search)
    4. Review Template Folders
  4. List view
    1. Title
    2. Sensitive
    3. Number of reviews using the template
    4. Folder
    5. Created by
    6. Created on
    7. Actions, Clone, Update, Delete

Add Review Template

  1. Information
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Review Template Folder
  2. Notifications
    1. In App
    2. Email
    3. Push
    4. SMS
    5. Teams
  3. Settings
    1. Review is sensitive
    2. Review score is excluded
    3. Review score cannot be overridden by Manager
    4. Review should include conversation section
    5. Review should recur
      1. Repeat every
      2. Type of Interval
      3. When should the next review start from?
    6. View Internal Feedback
    7. View Reviewer Feedback
    8. Review should disable objective score
  4. Additional Review Items
    1. Review should include objectives
      1. Competency
    2. Review should include skills assessment
      1. Comment
        1. Off/Optional
  5. Review Participants
    1. Enable Reviewer Feedback
      1. Feedback Question selection
    2. Enable Reviewee Feedback
      1. Feedback Question Selection
    3. Enable Direct Reports Feedback
      1. Feedback Question Selection
    4. Enable Internal Reviewer Feedback
      1. Feedback Question Selection
    5. Enable External Reviewer Feedback
      1. Feedback Question Selection
  6. Review Template Access
    1. Review Template can be used by everyone
      1. If above is disabled
        1. Search filters
          1. All
          2. Departments
          3. Groups
          4. People
          5. Sites
          6. Security Groups
        2. User/Group selection
        3. Selected people
          1. Click group to view members
          2. Action, Delete
  7. Access for In Progress Reviews
    1. Search filters
      1. All
      2. Departments
      3. Groups
      4. Participants
      5. People
      6. Sites
      7. Security Groups
    2. User/Group selection
    3. Selected people
      1. Click group to view members
      2. Action, Delete
  8. Access for Completed Reviews
    1. Search filters
      1. All
      2. Departments
      3. Groups
      4. Participants
      5. People
      6. Sites
      7. Security Groups
    2. User/Group selection
    3. Selected people
      1. Click group to view members
      2. Action, Delete
  9. Summary
    1. Information
    2. Settings
    3. Notifications
    4. Feedback Participants
    5. Review Template Visibility
    6. Review Access In Progress
    7. Review Access Complete
    8. Additional Review Items
  10. Actions
    1. Close
    2. Reset
    3. Back
    4. Save

View Review Template Details

  1. Title
  2. Details
    1. Menu
      1. Clone
      2. Update
      3. Delete
    2. Title
    3. Description
    4. Folder
    5. Repeat Review
    6. Repeat Every
    7. When should the next review start from?
    8. Self Service
    9. Disable Manager Score Override
    10. Diable Review Score
    11. Disable Objective Score
    12. Review Objectives
    13. Include Conversation
    14. Review Feedback
    15. Skills Assessment
    16. View Internal Feedback
    17. View Reviewer Feedback
    18. Review Feedback Audience
      1. Reviewee
      2. Reviewer
      3. Direct Reports
      4. Internal
      5. External
  3. Review Feedback Templates
    1. Reviewee Feedback Questions
      1. Link to question set
    2. Reviewer Feedback Questions
      1. Link to question set
    3. Direct Report Feedback Questions
      1. Link to question set
    4. Internal Feedback Questions
      1. Link to question set
    5. External Feedback Questions
      1. Link to question set
  4. Notification settings
    1. In App
    2. Email
    3. Push
    4. SMS
    5. Teams
  5. Review Visibility & Access
    1. In Progress Viewers
      1. Group name
      2. User
        1. Avatar
        2. Full Name
        3. Job Title
    2. On Complete Viewers
      1. Group name
      2. User
        1. Avatar
        2. Full Name
        3. Job Title
  6. Information
    1. Created on
    2. Created by
    3. Modified on
    4. Modified by

Feedback questions

Question sets for review templates and participant types can be created here.

  1. Count
  2. Filters
    1. Help guide
    2. Bulk Actions
    3. Add
    4. View deactivated question sets
    5. Reset filters
    6. Title search
    7. Review Template folders
  3. List Feedback question sets
    1. Title
    2. Number of reviews (using question set)
    3. Folder
    4. Created By
    5. Created on
    6. Actions
      1. Clone
      2. Update
      3. Remove

Add, Clone and View Feedback Questions

  1. Add Feedback question set (define template before adding questions)
    1. Title
    2. Descriptions
    3. Audience
      1. Reviewee
      2. Reviewer
      3. Internal
      4. External
      5. Direct Reports
    4. Folder
  2. Clone feedback questions
    1. Create full clone of the feedback questions
    2. Open form to edit
      1. Title
      2. Description
      3. Audience
  3. Details
    1. Help guide
    2. Menu
      1. Clone
      2. Update
      3. Deactivate
    3. Title
    4. Description
    5. Audience
    6. Review templates using feedback questions (Count)
    7. Folder
    8. WARNING: changes to question will result in changes to existing open and closed  reviews
  4. Questions
    1. Add New Section
    2. Edit Section Title
    3. Reorder questions within a section
    4. Move questions between sections
    5. Add Question to section
      1. With scoring
        1. Question
        2. Description
        3. Answer counts towards overall review score (On/Off)
        4. Question must be answered (On/Off)
        5. Competency
        6. Use preset score templates
        7. Add and define new scores
      2. With options (no scoring)
        1. Question
        2. Description
        3. Question must be answered (On/Off)
        4. Competency
        5. Use preset score templates
        6. Add and define new options
      3. With text response
        1. Question
        2. Description
        3. Question must be answered (On/Off)
        4. Competency
    6. Question View
      1. Drag and drop handle
      2. Type icon
        1. Text
        2. Scores
      3. Question
      4. Actions : edit, remove, view more
      5. View more
        1. Description
        2. Scores
  5. Information
    1. Created On
    2. Created By
    3. Modified On

Intervals (review intervals)

Used to create the intervals when setting up a recurring review such as Daily, Weekly, Monthly, etc.

  1. Count
  2. Add
  3. Filter: text search
  4. List View of review intervals
    1. Title
    2. Interval (Number)
    3. Interval Type
    4. Actions : update, remove
  5. Add Review Interval
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Interval (Number)
    4. Interval Type
      1. Monthly
      2. Yearly
      3. Weekly
      4. Daily
  6. View Review Interval
    1. Details
      1. Title
      2. Description
      3. Interval (Number)
      4. Interval Type
    2. Information
    3. Actions: update, remove
  7. Update Review Interval
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Interval (Number)
    4. Interval Type
      1. Monthly
      2. Yearly
      3. Weekly
      4. Daily


  1. Review Settings
    1. Enable Success Circles
    2. Enable Self Scoring in Success Circles
    3. Enable Manager Scores in Success Circles
    4. Enable Internal Reviewers Scores in Success Circles
    5. Enable Direct Reports Scores in Success Cicles
  2. 9 Box Grid Settings
    1. Enable 9 box grid
    2. Customise 9 box