
Planning - Tips To Create A Great Communication Strategy To Engage Your Workforce

StaffCircle Communications Module helps you deliver internal content to the right people at the right time. 

We can take the water to the horse. But, it is the quality of the water that will encourage it to drink...

We wanted to help you get on on to the right track when considering how you will use StaffCircle Communications module. 

Envisage & Plan 

A content strategy can be as detailed or as simple as you want. The important thing is that you think about  WHO, WHAT, WHY, HOW, WHEN. This will create a basis of what content you need to pull together, how often and using what mode (text, video, photo etc), who you want to send it to and if you want any action as a result. 

Good questions to answer are:

  • What groups of employees who are you communicating with?
  • What do you think is important to tell them? And why? 
  • What information would they like to receive? 
  • How often do you want to communicate on each subject? 
  • What format (text, video, photo) would be most useful for each subject? 
  • Do you want to and action or interaction from the recipients? 

Upon answering these questions you will have a basic plan of:

  • What content to create
  • When it needs to be circulated
  • Who it will be distributed to
  • What format it will be in and if photos/video need to be source/created 
  • Action/Interaction you would like to encourage

From here add your content release dates to a calendar. This gives you a visual representation to make sure that you are not over or under communicating. Finally allocate content creation to a person/persons to create. 

Voila, here is your basic communication strategy. 

Keep you eye out for more tips.