Core Functionality

Organization and Branding


In Settings Mode


View and edit general information about the platform

  1. Company details
    1. Logo
    2. Name
    3. Tenant name (short name set on account creation)
    4. Telephone
    5. Email
    6. Default Currency (editable)
  2. External Links
    1. View List
      1. Icon
      2. Title
      3. URL
      4. Actions : Update, Remove
    2. Add Link
      1. Title
      2. URL
  3. Primary Contact
    1. View Contact
      1. Photo
      2. Name
      3. Mobile
      4. Email
    2. Change Primary Contact
      1. Choose from all user in site
  4. Secondary Contact
    1. Optional secondary contact


  1. View List of Values
    1. Icon
    2. Name
    3. Action: View 
      1. Details
        1. Title
        2. Description
        3. Tag
        4. Icon
        5. Action : Update, Remove
      2. Behaviours
        1. View List
          1. Icon
          2. Behaviour
          3. Tag
          4. Actions: Update, Remove
        2. Add behaviour
          1. Name
          2. Description
          3. Tag
          4. Competency
          5. Icon
      3. Information
        1. Created on date
  2. Add Value
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Tag
    4. Competency
    5. Icon


  1. List Departments
    1. Icon
    2. Name
    3. Action: View
      1. Details
        1. Name
        2. Description
        3. Icon
        4. Alias (@name)
        5. Department Manager
        6. Parent Department
        7. Hide on feed
        8. Add Folder
          1. Open Document dialog
      2. Child Departments
        1. View list of child departments
        2. Add child department
        3. List People in department
          1. Photo
          2. name
          3. Role
          4. Action: View
            1. Link to People
  2. Add a department
    1. Name
    2. Description
    3. Alias
    4. Department Manager
      1. List of all users
    5. Parent Department
    6. Hide Feed (On/Off)


  1. List Sites
    1. Name
    2. Action: View Site
      1. Details
        1. Name
        2. Description
        3. Capacity
        4. Available Parking
        5. Manager
        6. Manager's Email
        7. Allow people to check-in
        8. Head Office (On/Off)
        9. Hide in Feed
        10. Working hours 
          1. from
          2. to
        11. Default Currency
        12. Contact Information
          1. Address
          2. Telephone
          3. Fax
          4. Tag (@name)
      2. Settings
        1. Absence Policy
        2. Working Patter
        3. Company Holidays Group
        4. Number of days
        5. Maximum number of consecutive days
      3. Calendar View
      4. People Based in the site
        1. List View
      5. Additional People in the site
        1. List View
  2. Add site
    1. General Information
      1. Name
      2. Description
      3. Capacity
      4. Available Parking
      5. Manager
        1. Plain Text (Note: this is not a user field)
      6. Manager's Email
      7. Allow people to check-in (On/Off)
      8. Head Office (On/Off)
      9. Hide in Feed (On/Off)
      10. Working hours 
        1. from
        2. to
      11. Contact Information
        1. Address
        2. Town/City
        3. Postcode/Xipcode
        4. Region/Area
        5. Country
        6. Default Currency
        7. Telephone
        8. Fax
        9. Tag (@name)
        10. Time zone
          1. Drop down list


  1. List Regions
    1. Icon
    2. Name
    3. Action : View
      1. Details
        1. title
        2. Description
        3. Icon
        4. Colour code
      2. Sites in region
        1. List sites in the region
        2. Actions: Update
          1. List all sites in organization
          2. Toggle on/off sites to add /remove to the region
          3. Filter list on site name
      3. People in region
        1. List people in the region
      4. Information
  2. Add a region
    1. Title
    2. Description
    3. Image
    4. Region Colour
      1. Choose on colour picker


  1. Apply Branding (On/Off)
  2. Colours
    1. Main
      1. Secondary Menu (if new Menu design has been enabled as a beta feature)
    2. Active
    3. Accent
  3. Logos
    1. Square
    2. Rectangle
  4. Use Large logo (On/Off)
  5. Background image
    1. Image
    2. Transparency




  1. Drag Icon
  2. Enable for all users (On/Off)
  3. Module / Module Label
  4. Update
    1. Module Name
    2. Module Background Color
    3. Module Icon
      1. Local File Browse


  1. Application Name
  2. Employee Home Page
  3. Manager Home Page

Preview Mobile view of menu customization

Beta Features

  1. List view
    1. Feature Name
    2. Description
    3. Last Modified
    4. Last Modified By
    5. Enabled
      1. On
      2. Off