Company Holidays

Non-Working Days: Add

After the company holiday group has been created, you can then add the non-working days. If an employee assigned to the company holiday group attempts to book the non-working day then it will not allow them to do this.

Step One

Navigate to the Holiday and Absence area of the platform in Administration mode then select the COMPANY HOLIDAYS tab.

🚀 If you are using our new menu feature, hover over the Holiday & Absence section of the side-bar, then navigate to:

Configuration ➡️ Company Holidays 

Select the Company Holidays title and proceed to step two of this guide.

Step Two

Select the title of the Company Holiday Group from the list, this will open the details page.

Step Three

Scroll to the NON WORKING DAYS section of the page, this will list the non-working days associated with the group.

Step Four

Click on the ADD button in the top right-hand corner of the box to open the ADD NON WORKING DAY pull out drawer.

Step Five

The title should be the name of the event (ie. Christmas Day). You can provide a description if you wish - this is visible only to administrators.

Specify the date of the non-working day. You can upload an associated image if you wish.

Step Six

Click the SAVE button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen, this will add the non-working day to the holiday group.