How do I reset a users password?

To reset a user's password, simply go to the "Manage" area of "People & Groups". There, alongside their name you will find a button under the "Actions" column. Press this, and the user will be sent a link to reset their password.

To reset a user's password, simply go to the "Manage" area of "People & Groups". There, alongside their name you will find abutton under the "Actions" column.  Press this, and the user will be sent a link to reset their password.


If you are an end user (or tying to reset your own password) follow these steps:

To reset your own password, go to the login screen (the area where you first login to StaffCircle) and click on the "Forgot Password" link - screenshot below:

then on the next screen enter your email address (or mobile phone number if you only use a mobile to access) . This will email you a reset password link to your registered email address or mobile. 

Still struggling to reset your password? Please either contact your manager or email support@staffcircle.com