New Features

Holidays & Absence v.1.0.11

Deployment date: 20/03/2019

We deliver these releases to improve your experience of the functionality and features of StaffCircle. 

Release updates provide you a brief, high level description of new and updated features.  

The highlights for v1.0.11 are:

New Module 

Holidays and Absence. This module is brand new and provides a self service Holiday & Absence request functionality for users. 

Within the administration/management functionality there are:

  • Absence Policies where you are able to determine, allowances, authorisation required and restrictive periods.
  • Working Patterns in order to know what days are on an off so that entitlements are managed intuitively. 
  • Absence Types mean that all of your absences such appointments, sickness, jury service etc can be captured in one place. Absence types can be defined as self serve of not and highlighted as paid or unpaid for reporting purposes. 

This module is ideal for moving from paper based request process to a digital one. Putting users holiday entitlement and requests in their pocket, to access where ever they are and at anytime.

Additional Functionality 

Need to communicate a new policy to your entire workforce or allocate a task to multiple people quickly? Now you can allocate a task to an article in the communication feed and request all recipients of the article to complete the worksheet. 

Like a tidy notifications bell? Now you can mark all as read by pressing the double tick.

Going on holiday? What to have some zen time? You now can control your personal notifications that are on and off and set a schedule to suppress notifications from your profile. 

The platform has a directory for all user to see. The user can choose if they would like to display their contact info and personal info (birthday) with their fellow colleagues by toggling on and off in their profile.


Minor Improvements

We listen. Feedback is important in order for our platform to grow with our customers. Smaller items that we have picked up based on our conversations are as follows. 

  • DOB date picker upon activation default to a earlier year than the current one. Less scrolling. 
  • Notification for Objective progress was only being sent to the manager. Now it will be sent to the manager if the user updates and the user if the manager updates. 
  • Ability to sort the users by site in the admin area under People and teams
  • Task Groups can now be easily assigned to everyone. 
  • Password hints have simplified and special characters are accepted.

Our developers have been busy. This is not an exhaustive list just the highlights. If you would like to learn more about the new functionality get in contact

We look forward to sharing more updates with you in the future!