Survey Templates

Example Engagement Survey Questions

Below are example questions for a standard employee engagement survey where the employees can answer on a scale of whether they agree or disagree:

  1. You get along well with the people in your team?
  2. Do you feel that the teams within the company generally work well together?
  3. Do you feel you have good friendships at work?
  4. My manager is clear with me about their expectations
  5. You often get to use your strengths in your job?
  6. You feel free to be yourself at work?
  7. You feel you can influence important decisions in your work?
  8. I feel like my workload is manageable?
  9. You have experienced challenges this week at work
  10. Your manager could support you more this month
  11. You often receive helpful feedback on your performance?
  12. You often get the chance to be creative in your job?
  13. You feel like there is an opportunity for you to grow in the business?
  14. You feel that you are learning new things at work?
  15. You feel satisfied with the balance between your work and other aspects of your life?
  16. You feel appreciated for your efforts at work?
  17. You feel you are treated with fairness and respect at work?
  18. You feel proud to work for the company?
  19. You feel a sense of accomplishment from your work?
  20. You feel valued at work?
  21. You feel the work you do is worthwhile?
  22. Overall I am satisfied at work
  23. I would recommend my facility as a place to work
  24. My contribution to the business is valued
  25. I am encouraged to raise any concerns I have
  26. I feel safe at work
  27. I know what is expected of me in my role
  28. I receive feedback on my ideas for improvement
  29. We work well together to achieve our targets
  30. Resources I need to perform my role are available and information is clear and concise
  31. Our values are demonstrated by all levels of leadership and management
  32. We focus on delighting our customers
  33. I receive regular feedback on my performance
  34. My department is organised and resourced effectively
  35. I am made aware of changes that affect me