Tasks & Worksheets
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  2. Tasks & Worksheets

Add or Edit a Task

To allocate a new task to a user simply complete the fields and press 


Include a title and description that will allow the user to clearly understand what needs to be completed and that makes sense if trying to search for a relevant task in the future. 


Set the due date to determine when the task needs to be completed by. A notification will be sent to the user and approver if the task goes overdue. 

Select the Task Group

If the task is reoccurring set and Interval. Note that the task will need to be completed for the next task to be created.

Apply your predefined Priority Level

Select the relevant worksheet that the user needs to complete as part of the task. 

Determine the person that task is assigned to for them to complete and who needs to received the notification that the task is complete.


Select all of the notifications that you require for this task. 

Press  to allocate the task tot he user

Want to understand Tasks & Worksheet a little more, look at our overview